Smudging for Spiritual Purification

The Value of Spiritual Purification

Smudge Stick
Cancer weed

Everyone on a spiritual direction, whether or not they be healers, psychic readers, energy or light workers, meditators, Yogis, and so on. will certainly sooner or later come across negativity in some form. "Why is this?" you could possibly ask. Well, first of all, opposites attract. But mostly, when you are putting out a really positive vibration resistance will soon come up. Forces of negative thoughts will inevitably be drawn to you, attracted by your spiritual aura like moths to a candle flame. These types of negative forces will try their best to hinder you from getting more powerful and becoming an even greater force for good. This shouldn't be reason for fear or worry, and certainly it shouldn't deter you from doing your spiritual practices, after all your spirituality is your path back to Oneness.

Persevere with your spiritual practices but do not be in denial about the dark side. It needs to be dealt with. For when this negativity is not dealt with properly -- whether it be because of ignorance or of negligence -- it can build up to a point where it becomes very damaging. Regular cleansing and clearing of negative energies and vibrations is therefore very important for anybody on a spiritual path. If spiritual cleansing is neglected one may become very negative and bad luck, disease and a host of problems can haunt the spiritual practitioner. I cannot tell you how many people I have met who told me they started having serious problems after doing healing on others, or after association with negative people, sometimes even after starting the practice of meditation.

These types of desperate people frequently ask me for advice on how to get rid of negative energies or entities they have picked up.While I am very happy to be of assistance with healing or extraction of entities, I feel it is important for every healer, magician, shaman, psychic or anybody on a spiritual path to take responsibility for their own protection and learn proper exorcisms and banishing rituals which will enable them to clear themselves, their ritual or healing space and their home.

Banishings and exorcism rituals may appear quite complex to beginners and some people find them difficult to start with. Others are prejudiced against such rituals and due to religious conditioning believe them to be "evil". Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact if you don't do any regular clearing, chances are that "evil" entities and demons will take a foothold in your environment and begin to affect you. Therefore I urge you for your own sake, if you are doing any kind of spiritual practices to really look into learning some form of banishing or exorcism to keep yourself and your environment in a pure state. Banishing should be done daily, a stronger exorcism or house clearing at least once a month. You will be surprised how much better you feel and how much smoother things will go in your life if you do that! In addition, working with your ancestors can give you protection and shield you from negativity. Personally bad luck, hard times, illness along with everything under the sun is all spiritual. Use herbs inside and out. Each stick carefully hand-crafted by old school Light Workers. Cancer Weed and sage was chosen for healing, money, and cleansing blessings.

Prayer to recite while your smudging.

Cleanse this space, remove the past
I’ve found my happiness at last.
Fill this space with Joy and love
Send Your Blessings from Above.

Benefits of smudging are all of these things or possibilities. We make our smudge sticks the same way our forefathers made them. Try smudging by lighting the smudge stick and letting the smoke cover every room in your house by walking trough every room and also your body. No one underage should do this, a parent or someone in the adult category should do the smudging. Shipping is fast and it's free. Mail daily without delay. We know how important it is to start smudging. Each stick is good for many uses.

Cancerweed smudge sticks
