Weight Loss by Jesse Rogers

                             Weight Loss by Jessie Rogers

It doesn't matter what you eat, or even if you eat or not. Imagine yourself skinny and you will be.
Put aside those thoughts that are ingrained in your mind that the older you get, the harder it is to lose weight. Oh, what have I said oh, powerful human words, yes, because he is God. These words will go forth and fulfill there purpose. Man in his idle moments, says all kinds of things, then he reaps it, reaping the harvest that he has planted with his inner conversations, he will not recognize his on harvest. 
You can do it with anything in this world, test yourself. Ignore your past or failed attempts, don't think upon the failings, try and try again, each time gain a wisdom and faith to accomplish your desires.
In the happenings of your day, you need not wait till the end of the day to revise the happenings of the day, revise on the spot or time second an undesirable thought or action has taken place. Forever in your day, and in the moment create a new, more desirable moment that you desire and is more to your liking.
In all your conversations that you may have during your day, revise them at will. If something should be said that you don't agree with don't allow yourself to hear it. Hear what you desire to hear and that only, that only will come to pass.Don't listen to the blind leaders of this world, who are the blind leader's? They are the established teachers and preachers of this world, research everything for yourselves and if you can't understand my thinking on a subject, then trust your own spirit, for it already knows the truth.
Those that teach the precepts of man, you should not do this are that, or maybe you should eat that and not this, they are not teaching the will of God, but instead their own misconceived law of man.
Hack your problems by thinking good and not bad. Hacking your life by changing your past and future just by changing or hacking your reality giving your thoughts to the now, for their is no past or future to concern yourselves with, being careful not to provide the spiritual realm any fuel for the fire that could consume you. Remember who you are, You are God!
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