10 Signs you are Spiritually Awake

10 Signs you are Spiritually Awake

 1. You feel sick and listless. 2. Extreme dizziness has become your normal way of life. 3. You have become wiser, without educating yourself. 4. You see beings, lights, or shadowy figures. 5. Shaking someones hand provokes understanding of that persons sins or short comings. 6. You become annoyed with mainstream religions. 7. Everything you have always held dear, suddenly seems worthless. 8. You are now a giver, instead of a consumer. 9. Sex and intimacy are no longer important to you. 10. Answers come to you in random ways, almost unbelievable ways, but they keep coming. You may ask the question of me. What makes you an expert on the subject? My answer is I have gone through an awakening that boggled my mind for six long years and finally I have come through to see the good side of spiritual awakening. To know things I have never known or conceived possible I had no one to help me through mine, but if you contact me and tell me your problem, I will try to help you with your awakening process. Spiritual Awakening is something everyone has to go through, consider in Foredination  Contact me at jessesawake@gmail.com
