Perfect Murder by Jesse

The first thing that the most skilled and ruthless murderers do when in their planning stages is they actually go for the victim that is respected in their communities and start to look for flaws in their character. The tiniest crack will do.
Let's say for sayings sake that someone were to desire a family business, ten the fist thing they do is befriend him or her and set out to connect with the spouse of their intended victim and hopefully convince them into a loving sexual relationship, to cause a seen and also an unseen strife making a trust issue arise. Pick a weakness, such as a drinking problem or any other issue, even sexual issues could be an example.
As with the drinking even if it's a couple of beers a day, broadcast this fact to every outlet possible for as long as possible. They take great care in building themselves up at the same rate as they tear their future victim to shreds. They enlist the spouse to hopefully do their crime for them. They are actually using the spiritual realm to pull off their plot, everything is spiritual.
The most important part is to demonize their victim all the while lifting their social profiles up by the minute. I witnessed a face book profile of someone with a post talking about charity and to help people out, so they take a zip lock bag and fill it with a pair of socks, toothpaste, a few candy bars and a carefully place folded 5 dollar bill in a closed baggy. You never see them give it to anyone, they just posed the question," What do you think?" People are quick to not notice the small things.
This is how it's done they assume their intended victims life, while careful political rescission, and under the guise of their manufactured goodness escaping the eyes of the prosecutions from seeing who they really are.It's Spiritual, everything is spiritual. The perfect murder is carried out in the Spiritual realm.
I wrote this to tell you how they get away with the things they have always gotten away with, do not take this and use it to harm anyone.
