Be Still and Know That I am God-Jessesawake

Be still and know that I am God

Have you ever thought what the bible was trying to convey to the reader of those words? Boy, I sure have, I have been tossing that statement around and around in my head for years now. This is what I think it means, I believe it is meant for the reader to perceive himself as God, because when the reader reads those words he hears I am God, if it were to be taken in another tense then it would have said be still and know that he is God, because man looks at a God somewhere outside himself and naturally we would assume that it would say he is God and not the way it is written. Taking into consideration that Jesus said, have I not told you that you are Gods and also in Psalms. I am God and everyone else is that's breathing. Does this mean we are all one consciousness and our individuality is our conscious mind. Please feel free to comment, I would really like different opinions on this subject.
Thank you very much for reading this, this is a subject that I have always thought about. If the statement is as I believe, then we should be worshipping in a different manner that we have in the past, pray hard and don't ease off any. Maybe this is the reason we have seemed to fizzle in our prayer life. we have been praying to a God that's far off sitting on a throne in a different realm in a third heaven somewhere not knowing which direction to aim our prayers. I say from my perspective I believe that God is not far off at all, I believe that God is as close as our hands and feet. I don't know why I seem to need others believing the same as me. I may need to stand on this belief by myself. Sorry for starting up again, but I feel the need to convey these thoughts out into the atmosphere and either be corrected or lifted up in my belief.
