My Story

Hello, My name is Jeff Rogers, my nickname has always been Jesse. Several years ago I stared a spiritual Awakening of sorts, that is what people in the know call it. I was not in the know when I woke up. I had to stumble around in the dark for several years before I was led to discover the answer to all the new found weird happenings that had started to take over my life. After years of reading and studying the bible and the dead sea scrolls I have finally determined that mankind was put here to live and act as Gods. We forgot in our dissent to this earth what we were made for and to do.I have started this little blog to record my experiences to the best of my abilities.
I admit this is going to sound weird and crazy, but after some time I have been able to assume my original state of being back. Not only have I assumed that back, but I have also grown in so many more ways.Stay with me and I hope to give you a few pointers for your spiritual awakening that you and every man or woman will have to go through. I can say with 100% certainy in my heart that yes, there is a God, no question, no doubt.

My YouTube channel Jessesawake, please subscribe I won't let you down. More on spiritual 
